Clear your doubts now...
Giving blood saves lives. The blood you give is a lifeline in an emergency
and for people who need longterm treatments. Donating blood is a selfless act that can save lives and make a positive impact on your community.
However, not everyone is eligible to donate blood. To ensure the safety of both donors and recipients, specific eligibility criteria must be met.
Remember, even if you cannot donate blood, there are other ways you can support blood donation efforts, such as encouraging eligible friends and
family members to donate or volunteering at blood drives and donation centers.
Red Stream
• There are other medical conditions that may mean you can't donate...
Red Stream
Check how much blood you have
If you are a woman under 20 and you weigh under 10st 3lb (65kg) or are under 5' 6" (168cm) tall you will need to check you have enough blood to donate safely.